Words ripple out...what do you want to bring into this world?
Today I read the first
sentence in a post of a SiStar and it triggered something that has been in my
awareness for quite some time. Thanks to her ‘reminder’ I feel to express this
now. For to me it has a certain link with the current ‘ME TOO wave’…
Grace Solaris wrote: “It is significant to examine your vocabular on a regular
basis and to discern whether it serves your current consciousness level and
Here’s the thing:
I notice many people tend
to say ‘F*ck’ a lot of the time. It’s like a virus spreading. And I’m not even
referring to teenagers… I also notice when it ÍS being used (especially if
women do so) Facebook posts like that get a LOT more likes (again mainly from
women it seems)... Many of the ‘awakenend Sisters’ seem to not only love to use
that term but even promóte the use of it.
How come? Why is it ‘we’
think ‘we’ need that?
To me it’s a very
harsh word which has a very (distorted) masculine energy, no Love or Light
included, and personally I don’t feel the need to throw thát energy into this plane
of existence... (I tried it once or twice and it didn’t taste good. My ‘system’
didn’t like it at all).
But it almost seems as
if I’m one of the few who feels this way... So, the way I feel about it is
not a very popular one apparently.
I am very aware of that…
(But hey, it’s not about being popular remember?).
Why is it so widespread to use it... ?
Do we, women, feel it is
a means to ‘re-claim (our) power’ this way? Does it appear to be a way to ‘emancipate’?...
Words carry energy. I guess
every awake person is aware of that. Anyone who knows the work of the Japanese
scientist Dr. Masuru Emoto can see how words affect
water: “[…] we always observed
beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing good music, and showing,
playing, or offering pure prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed
disfigured crystals in the opposite situation. […]” (from
Since our human bodies mainly consist of water,
the words we use have an effect on our bodies, our ‘systems’.
I am not putting this
out to preach, although it might be perceived like that. I am really puzzled by
it and I really try to understand. So far I haven’t succeeded in that…
The way I see it:
We are here to uplift HUmanity.
We are here to uplift HUmanity.
We are here to Raise
Consciousness, frequencies and awareness in these Divine Ascension times.
How does the use of
this expression (and alike ones) support us in this?
The ‘ME TOO wave’ that
has been flooding the planet since last Sunday is a wake up call for HUmanity.
Exposure of the shadow sides to the Light - which is what is happening more and
more - diminishes the ‘power’ of these shadows and helps us to come back into
our True Center, balancing the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within.
Me too…
I have been sexually
abused too.
It started when I was
still a very young child. There was a man involved, a member of my family. And
there was a woman. Another member of my family.
This woman actually
has very little feminine qualities. Same with that man.
The feminine
qualities had almost totally been erased in that part of my family, hidden
behind a very thick wall.
So although in most
cases it was women who were sexually abused by men it is not about Thé women
and it is not about Thé men.
It is about distorted
masculine energies and distorted feminine energies in a distorted
system (some would say a ‘F-up’ system here I guess ;-) ).
We need to wake up
from this illusionairy Matrix. What is occurring now is a collective call
for HUmanity to step into sanity and remember it’s Divinity.
The Feminine has
different qualities than the Masculine.
Which has a Purpose
in itself! They are meant to complement each other.
Yin and Yang; two
aspects of the One.
Both equally essential!
Remember we have
lived in a Win-Loose world for so long that we seem to have forgotten how it
used to be, how wé used to be. In Lemuria. In Atlantis before the Fall. In
other dimensions and universes where we live(d) in Love, in Light.
But our Souls
remember. Our Heart still knows…
I don’t feel we need
to copy certain behaviour that (unconsious) males have shown throughout
That’s not what ‘Consious Feminism’ is about to me.
And it has nothing to
do with the Divine Feminine.
Harshness is not our
nature. It’s a veil covering up our pure beauty, our Essence. By now we have
shown we cán be harsh… but Sisters, Brothers, has it brought us any further?
Showing up compassionately,
expressing Love, sharing our nurturing abilities, our
communicating-from-the-Heart skills, our joy, our passion, creativity,
co-operating and co-creating, guided by our intuition… precious qualities our
World, HUmanity, needs right now!
Let’s cultivate the
Feminine and bring her into Adulthood.
Words ripple out….like
rings in the water….what you do want to bring into this world?
©ariette ♡ Love
ariettelove.com ~ vanhartecoaching.nl
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